SiBrickScan (SBS) Silicon Ingot Analyzer

SiBrickScan (SBS) is a dedicated at-line system for the FT-IR quantification of interstitial Oxygen in complete Silicon ingots, resulting in a concentration profile along the longitudinal axis. Accessing this information without sawing wafers or test samples is a major and cost saving advantage.

Highest Sensitivity by State-of-the-Art FTIR Spectroscopy.

Interstitial Oxygen quantification by FT-IR spectroscopy (ASTM/SEMI 1188) is a well-known and important analysis method, but limited to thin Si samples in the low mm range. SiBrickScan (SBS) overcomes this limitation and is the first commercially available completely dedicated system to determine the Oxygen gradient in complete ingots along their major axis without the need of time-consuming and destructive thin sample preparation. SBS makes smart use of a related infrared overtone absorption band combined with reliable and state-of-the-art Bruker FT-IR technology.